The recipients of our research are advertising agencies, media houses, end customers, but above all, reputable research companies for which proven quality of execution is a top priority. It is from this point of view that Opinia24 is building up its competences, and a high standard is the fundamental element that we are using on a daily basis when carrying out our research projects.
In Opinia24, we have developed our own standards and procedures. They result from a long-standing experience of the whole team in the area of quantitative testing. We have written down our experiences and created our internal Code of Good Practice that enables us to meet the highest standards and serve all our customers with due care.
Examples of practical procedures used in telephone surveying are:
Mandatory pre-training for all Opinia24 interviewers to prepare them for work and to familiarize them with the specifics of telephone interviews
Detailed training prior to each new project, showing the objectives of the project, discussing the questionnaire and key elements of the methodology
Continuous oversight of the CATI leadership team on the interviewers – the interviews are monitored live as well as from recordings
Examples of practical procedures used in online research are:
A multi-stage verification procedure when recruiting respondents for BO Panel – each potential entrant undergoes a minimum two channel registration process, so we are confident about the demographic characteristics of all our panelists (in particular, we avoid keeping “dead souls”)
In CAWI surveys, we control whether the responses are consistent, we control the completion times of individual surveys, capture and block attempts by bots to register accounts
In addition, we use licensed tools in our day-to-day operations to ensure the security of both our customers and internal data.
Our efforts to achieve a high standard of research are confirmed by the following certifications and standards:
Opinia24 is a member of OFBOR (Organization of Opinion and Market Research Firms)
Opinia24 is a signatory to the PKJPA (Interviewers’ Work Quality Control Program) (valid certification for CAWI and CATI methods)
We act in accordance with the ESOMAR Code
We apply the Internal Code of Good Practice
We have a broad customer reference database to confirm high project execution standards
Feel free to check out our implementation standards